
Full Name: RH Ivory Coast Coffee Bean
Nickname: Ivory
Best Show Event: Agility
Ivory is a super playful girl. She loves to run around, jumping over things and causing a mess. She will be mainly for
breeding, not showing, as she doesn't have the personality to like showing. Agility is the one area where she could be a very
strong contender however.
Points: 2
Competitions Won: April Agility 2nd Place

Full Name: RH Opalescent Transendance
Nickname: Opal
Best Show Event: Conformation
Opal is going to be a championship show dog. Her temperment and poise show that even now. She is calm, collected, and
seems to think things through very carefully before trying them. She too will be bred, but only after she has some points
and competitions won.
Points: 12 Competitions Won: April Conformation 3rd Place, April BIS 2nd place, June Agility 3rd place, June Conformation
1st place, July Conformation 2nd place, July BIS 1st place

Full Name: RH Brazilian Onyx
Nickname: Onyx
Best Show Event: Agility
Onyx is a firey girl who loves to move. She never stops her happy tail wagging, and will be great in active competitions.
She will also produce some very beautiful and wonderful pet quality puppies.
Points: 3 Competitions Won: September Agility 1st place

Full Name: RH Red Agate Love Spell
Nickname: Agate
Best Show Event: Stamina
Agate is very determined, and that is why she does well in stamina competitions. She refuses to give up. She is a bit
stubborn at time, and this can hurt her in some showing, and doesn't make her the most loved dog in the kennel, but she is
a hard worker and never lets her handeler down.
Points: 0
Competitions Won: None yet

Full Name: RH Politically Concerned
Nickname: Slate
Best Show Event: Agility
Slate is the definition of hyper, but she manages to contain that when it's time to show. She's not the best show dog
out there, but she loves it more then any of the other dogs here at Rebel's Haven. She can't wait to get into the agility
ring and show just how fun being high energy can be.
Points: 0
Competitions Won: None yet

Full Name: RH Statuesque Beauty
Nickname: Incarnat
Best Show Event: Conformation
Incarnat is named for a specific color of marble, and like the rock she is strong, dignified and very stable. She is one
of the calmest dogs we have ever met. She loves attention, and will try to get as much as she can, but it's done in a dignified
way every time. She will also make a good breeder, as she is likely to be a wonderful mother.
Points: 0
Competitions Won: None yet

Full Name: RH Ocean's Twilight Colors
Nickname: Sapphire
Best Show Event: Agility
Sapphire is a happy friendly dog. She loves to please everyone around her, and she work incredibly hard for such a young
dog. She has a sense that will make her a champion in the agility ring. She is agressive at times, but never towards other
dogs or people.
Points: 0
Competitions Won: None yet

Full Name: RH Heavenly Protector
Nickname: Celestine
Best Show Event: Conformation
Celestine is awonderfully marked dog, with a matching attitude. Her stnning coat and eyes maker her a stand out in the
conformation ring, and her attitude makes up believe she will produce wonderful pups. She is a great dog all around, however
as of right now, she is slightly inexperienced in the show ring, so she will be working very hard ot become a champion before
she is bred.
Points: 0
Competitions Won: None yet